
Nature Life Fruit offers the finest fruit and vegetables from Latin America for export to Europe and Northern America.

Nature Life Fruit started with exporting avocados because of its ever increasing high world demand. Over the last three years demand grew about 20% annually. It has since also offered other produce such as bananas, mangos, lemons and more, because its customers asked for it. You ask, we fill your demand.

Nature Life Fruit offers its customers a high grade of customization of their demand, so you can buy globally but act locally to the demands of your customers.

Nature Life Fruit operates locally in Mexico, but is jointly managed from the Netherlands and Mexico with local offices in Hungary and Belgium to warrant the local needs of our customers to the full extent with special access to the EU market. The company also exports to North America.

Nature Life Fruit has years of working experience and was founded by

José Salgado in Mexico (js@naturelifefruit.com)


Ruud Straat in the Netherlands (rs@naturelifefruit.com)

Its team of operations is well managed and consists of about 20 in people in Mexico and Europe.